Narrated by Death, The Book Thief is the story of Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old German girl in the midst of Hitler’s regime. Death first meets Liesel at her brother’s funeral; her brother died on the train ride to the Hubermann’s house. Liesel and her brother are given up by their mother to live with Hans and Rosa Hubermann for reasons unknown to the reader. It is after the burial of her brother that Liesel steals her first book, The Grave Digger’s Handbook, after it is dropped in the snow. Although Liesel is uneducated for her age and unable to read the book, she keeps it as a final memory of her brother. Originally, Liesel does not want to live with the Hubermanns. She is haunted by nightmares about her family that she left behind. She finds solace and comfort through Hans Hubermann, with whom she grows close to.
The main protagonist of the book is Liesel Meminger. She is fostered by the Hubermanns when her father abandons their family and her mother is forced to give her up for adoption. Her younger brother, Werner, dies on the way to the Hubermanns. She has a close relationship with her foster father, Hans, who comforts her and plays the accordion. Liesel has a rough but loving relationship with her foster mother, Rosa. The story takes place in Munich, Germany between 1939 and 1943. I infer that the town was a Nazi stronghold, and the Hitler ideologies had support from the residents of the town.
One of the recurring problems in Liesel’s life is her lack of education. She is unable to read, but is slowly learning with the help of her foster father. Another problem Liesel faces is the trauma from her brother’s death; she frequently has nightmares about his death.