Thursday, September 22, 2011

What simplicity means to me...

   What is simplicity? Simplicity can be defined by so many words, but the definition that summarizes it best says that simplicity means centering in on that which is important and letting go of the rest. There are so many different types of simplicity; it is called the Garden of Simplicity, with different branches on the tree of simplicity. There is uncluttered simplicity, ecological simplicity, family simplicity, compassionate simplicity, soulful simplicity, business simplicity, civic simplicity, and frugal simplicity. One branch I feel that everyone should make an effort to uphold and follow is compassionate simplicity.

   Compassionate simplicity is the bond between you and your family and friends, and the community around you. I believe the world would be a much better place if people took the time to learn their neighbor’s name, many people do not even know their neighbors name. Compassionate simplicity means such a simple action such as saying hello to them can strengthen your bond. I think compassionate simplicity is tied into many SPICES, community being the most prominent one. You do not have to change your lifestyle drastically to incorporate this value into your life, something as simple as smiling at someone can make the world a better place. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Live simply so that others may simply live.” I think he means that by being caring and compassionate to others we will make our lives and their lives better. 

   In conclusion, the world would be a better place if we took the incentive to strengthen our bond with our friends and family. We can make a big difference by focusing on others before ourselves sometimes. We should also focus on building a stronger community, by taking time to learn a little bit of people instead of going on Facebook all the time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This I believe...

Tolerance is about being open-minded and accepting of different races, religions, and personalities. Tolerance is giving all people the freedom to be their own people, and not judging them for it. I believe that tolerance is essential in daily life, it has become a more popular topic over the years because of bullying, if you are not tolerant of somebody’s beliefs and you make fun of the you could be hurting them inside.

   I think one time my core beliefs were really tested was when I first watched Glee. I never thought that kids could be so cruel to one another, I know it is not like that in all schools, but I believe that some schools are actually like that. When Kurt came out and said he was gay, the teasing and cruelty he got from the other kids was hurtful and insensitive. Gay people are not that different from us, they just have different beliefs on sexuality, and they should be allowed to have them. Another character who was bullied for her beliefs is Rachel, she enjoys singing and because of that everybody at school makes fun of her.

   I think my beliefs on tolerance were formed when I came to Newtown Friends, I was always tolerant but I think I finally realized that when I came. At my old school, there were all kinds of races, personalities, and religions. We were all tolerant of each other’s beliefs, but we were never taught about tolerance. When I came to NFS there was a greater emphasis put on tolerance, and I learned what I really means to be tolerant. I think one prominent example of tolerance and acceptance was when my friend’s mom died from cancer, even people who did not know him very well or didn’t like him very much comforted him when he was sad about his mom’s death.

   At Newtown Friends, we are all tolerant of each other, but at other schools that is not the case. As a worldwide community we should be tolerant of each other, we do not necessarily have to believe that they are correct, but they do have the right to their own beliefs. This, I believe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011